Business Centre
This business centre occupies 7.500 M2 locations in the left wing of the Mosque. This business centre has office space totaled 5.653 M2. Convention Centre 4.582 M2 and Hotel as many as 11.217 M2.
- There is no office or central trading place to become the pride symbol/ economic place for Muslims;
- To provide business services/integrated Syariah trading for Islamic community and JIC partners;
- As representatives office for corporate partners and JIC network partners;
Facilities: 5 (five) floors building for office, banking, meeting hall for business partnership and Syariah business transaction. Syariah central information and data base, lawyer office, notary public office, retails and other supporting facilities.
Potential Market: Trading representatives’ office for provinces/local governments, allied countries representatives’ office/OIC, and representatives’ office for export-import companies, retail shops.
- To bring together variety circles to organizing events in the spirit of Muslim;
- Promotion centre of local primary products;
- To provide JIC in situ facilities services integrated system and outside services.
- To provide modular setting (module stage) room and mobile equipments;
- To facilitate one stop shopping services for festival events and entertainment;
Capacity: 1200 seats, 1800 no seat, 600 table seat.
Captive Market
- Mass JIC activities, MTQ
- Local favored products exhibition and Islamic Culture
- International conference and Islamic Institutions National Assembly
- Entertainment and events of Islamic preaching, general introspections
- Wedding ceremony
- Islamic days ceremony
- Broadcasting Production
Conceptions (Three Stars Hotel)
- Spiritual integrated tour services
- Accommodation services for Muslim, especially to whom have activities at JIC
- Businessmen accommodation services
- Local tourist and international tourist accommodation services
- JIC guests accommodation services
Facilities: Rooms (160 rooms: Standard 135; Deluxe 10; Suite 5), Coffee shop, restaurant, lounge, business centre, swimming pool, tennis court, multimedia room, parking area.
Captive Market
- Mosque administration
- Spiritual tour
- Provincial, national, international Al Qur’an Recitation Contest,
- Great sermon and Koran reciting
- Last 10 days Ramadan introspection
- Department of education and training
- Islamic Institutions National Congress
- National and International Islamic workshops and seminars
- National Congregation of Islamic Universities Assembly and Islamic mass organization
- Islamic mysticism studies package
- Integrated training package.